Using in CASSCF

Interfacing with PySCF

Dice can also be used as an FCI solver in CASSCF calculation with a large number of active space orbitals and electrons. If PySCF is successfully installed (see Installing PySCF), you can call Dice from within a python input script. After you compile Dice, you must edit the two path variables shown below in the file in the shciscf module directory in PySCF.

SHCIEXE = '/path_to/Dice/Dice'

Once this is completed you can run call SHCI from within PySCF. An example input is shown below:

from pyscf import gto, scf
from pyscf.future.shciscf import shci

# Initialize O2 molecule
b =  1.243
mol = gto.Mole()
verbose = 5,
output = None,
atom = [
    ['C',(  0.000000,  0.000000, -b/2)],
    ['C',(  0.000000,  0.000000,  b/2)], ],
basis = {'C': 'ccpvdz', },
symmetry = True,
symmetry_subgroup = 'D2h',
spin = 0

# Create HF molecule
mf = scf.RHF( mol )
mf.conv_tol = 1e-9

# Number of orbital and electrons
norb = 26
nelec = 8

# Create SHCI molecule for just variational opt.
# Active spaces chosen to reflect valence active space.
mch = shci.SHCISCF( mf, norb, nelec )
mch.fcisolver.mpiprefix = 'mpirun -np 2'
mch.fcisolver.stochastic = True
mch.fcisolver.nPTiter = 0
mch.fcisolver.sweep_iter = [ 0, 3 ]
mch.fcisolver.DoRDM = True
mch.fcisolver.sweep_epsilon = [ 5e-3, 1e-3 ]
e_shci = mch.mc1step()[0]

This script can be executed in the command line as follows:
